


  • In this section you can find words that help you improve your vocabulary


Reading= Leyendo

Writing = Escribiendo

Listening= Escuchando

Speaking= Hablando

Fluency = fluidez

Improve = mejorar

Weather = clima

Seasons = estaciones

Summer = verano

Spring = primavera

Fall = otoño

Winter = invierno

Three = 3


What’s the weather like? ¿Cómo está el clima?

It’s sunny (está soleado)

It’s windy (está ventoso)

It’s cloudy (está nublado)

It’s snowy (está nevado)

It’s rainy (está lluvioso)

What (Qué)

Where (Dónde)

When (Cuándo)

Which (Cuál)

Who (Quién)

Why (Por qué)

How (Cómo)

spelling (Ortografía)

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10


Busy (bizzzi) = ocupado

live (laif) = vida  = lives (vidas)

That’s it = eso es todo


What did you do last night?

Last nigh I ……

Unit 11


Look back refers to the past.

Embarrassing = vergonzoso

awful (oooooful) = horrible

either (ider) = tampoco

unhappy is the opposite of happy

scared = asustado

first (ferst)= primero

mistake = errors

customers (castumers) = clients

Get lost = perderse

I got lost = Yo me perdí

Get sick = enfermarse

I got sick = Yo me enfermé

Get married = casarse

We got married = Nosotros nos casamos

Get along = llevarse bien.

Get a bad sunburn = quemarse con el sol

Unit 12

Would (wuud)

Dairy products = lácteos

shellfish = conchas

shrimp = camarón

vegetables (veshtabols)

cucumbers (kiucambers) = pepinillos

Peppers = pimientos

radish = rábano

fruit (frut)

Peach = durazno

Blackberries = moras

strawberries = frutillas

Blueberries = arándanos

pork = cerdo

turkey = pavo

lamb = cordero

picky = difícil de complacer

watermelon = sandía

tangerine = mandarina 

I’d like = I would like

either (ider) = tampoco

thirsty = sediento






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